Got a cheap bug deflector... how to apply it?
Hi folks...
Was in a thrift store and there was a "bug deflector" sitting there for $5 so I grabbed it...
Now, I'm usually of the opinion that on 90% of vehicles, when fitted as intended, these are i) as useful as a chocolate teapot ii) harmful to aero.
So you might be guessing that I'm not about to slap it on the leading edge of my hood... and you'd be right... in fact we had another voyager in the family with the 2.5 TBI motor in it, and it got 2 more mpg when the bugflector that came on it broke and fell off. I kept trying to persuade the nominal "owner" of the thing that she should let me take it off in the first place, but she thought it was doing some good... her screen collected more bugs than ours did btw...
Anyway, I'm not sure what this one is designed to fit, has a nice smooth bow to it, and hasn't got any funny crinkles.
If my screen was more upright I might consider putting it about a foot to a foot and a half in front of the screen... but even though these vans look square they do have a good amount of hood slope and windshield rake. So I'm not sure it would do a heck of a lot there.
The other idea is to mount a section of it atop the bumper ahead of the grille, been looking for a "windslammer" for the grille for some time, don't want to fully restrict it, but been looking for a way to tip air over it. Would need to be cut to clear the lights either side.
I'm thinking then that I could use the foot I trim off each end, flipped upside down and put under the bumper as air deflectors for the wheels...
any thoughts?
Road Warrior
I remember The RoadWarrior..To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time..the world was powered by the black fuel & the desert sprouted great cities..Gone now, swept away..two mighty warrior tribes went to war & touched off a blaze which engulfed them all. Without fuel, they were nothing..thundering machines sputtered & stopped..Only those mobile enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage would survive. The gangs took over the highways, ready to wage war for a tank of juice