[quote=ZugyNA]My air dam extension just happened to end up about 5" off the ground...cause that's how wide it was. But it also happens to extend down about to the general ground clearance height under the car.
Hydrogenboost guy extended the dam down almost to the ground?
"I think it is quite easy to draw a conclusion about the air dam at both speeds. The air dam did not cause less drag and higher mileage. It indeed did quite the opposite. The air dam caused a lower mileage in all cases. This could be explained by the fact that it was causing quite a bit more wind resistance because of the increase frontal area of the vehicle with the air dam attached. Loses about -3.9% mpg at 55 mph..."
I confused
. You said in your first post that the airdam increase your FE by 2 MPG. Most test point to just the opposite. Did you do something different with the airdam? Go any pic's?