"Quick thing to think about, The other day I went ahead and did the airdam mod to the front of the Iroc. (couldn't find an S-10 so used a Tahoe air dam).
The air dam atached to the underside of the front facia (bumper cover) and I've verified that it doesn't buckle under speed by having someone drive beside/in front while on the freeway. Ground clearance in front is now less by about 5 to 6 inches but shouldn't be a problem since car is not lowered any. Enough of the description of the mod now on with the question....I've got a factorg MPG economy gauge installed out of a lebaron which works fine. After the mod my avg MPG has raised another 2 mpg. (been using the car as a daily and trying different things out on it). Freeway average is now running in the 33 to 35 mpg on the gauge and verified with the gas fillups/checking mileage."
Using plastic lawn edging...I extended the from air dam down to around a 5" clearance. It is now around the same height as the majority of components under the car. Not sure I gained mpg though.
Leading the perpetually ignorant and uninformed into the light of scientific knowledge. Did I really say that?

a new policy....I intend to ignore the nescient...a waste of time and energy.