Originally Posted by MnFocus
You are on the list now ! BTDT and it is No fun at all . May wanna rub elbows a bit by getting your letters and affiliation on the car . It*may* help to let them know you are the "good guy".
I don't like to "advertise" much on the car (except GS.org of course

), but if the hassle continues, I'll have to do something.
I suspect that it's just the Memorial Day weekend ramp-up. My Father-in-Law reported the same level of activity on the Kansas side of town. But if so, I'll end up trying the Amateur Radio callsign or stickers. They have a specialized plate available, which would definitely put it all to bed.
But, that's not my main hobby or interest to warrant a special plate -- the radio license allows me to do what I need to do -- I'm not into it like some of the older guys who spend $1000's on radios. I have what I need to get the job done, attend the meetings, and ensure proper operation through routine practice sessions. Otherwise, the radios sit dormant until needed. Most of the time I'm out of town for work anyways

It's just a bit frustating right now -- time should hopefully subside the issue.