After months of slacking, I finally got around to doing some areo mods to Box.
First up was a new front lip spoiler made from a garage door seal. It is only about 1" tall, but the front is low enough I didn't want more (the bottom of the bumper already has a fair amount of scrapes & gouges).
Next was the big project, as I mentioned at the beginning of this thread, the space under the rear cargo area & bumper is really aerodynamically messy. So armed with some black chloroplast, aluminum flashing & some screws & zip-ties I set about fixing that. I did it over two days, with probably about 4-5 hours in it all total, maybe less. ignore the splashes, I drove through a muddy parking lot between the first & second sessions of working on it.
Overall shot:
From the left side:
From Right side:
The front edge is tucked above the gas tank, and zip-tied in place. I was very careful to not put and new holes in the body of the car where they might rust. So everything is attached by zip-ties, or screws into the plastic bumper.
Detail of Right wheelwell and around muffler:
I pondered enclosing the muffler, but didn't have a good way to do it and not end up worrying about excessive heat buildup.
Detail of Left wheelwell:
From above:
The little bit of flashing is the only part visible from outside. If you kneel or squat down you can just make out some of the edge of the black chloroplast at the edges of the bumper.
I've driven a bit with it on, and aside from one part of the flashing where the tailpipe passes through touching & rattling it works great. Ironically I don't know what it is doing for my MPG as I've loaned my Scangauge to a friend and won't get it back for a day or two.