I'm not naiive, guerro, I'm facetious. I know not all brown people in Aztlan are Mexican, etc., it's just that in if you've got a name like "Ramirez" and live in NYC, there are those dullards that will
assume you're Puerto Rican. If you've got that name in Florida, they'll think you're Cuban, blahblahblah and so on. My
esposa is P.R. and DON'T call her Mezcan. My stepmother is Peruvian (that's in southern Mezco... duh) but she'll read you the riot act if you
assume she's Mezcan.
And shame on you for thinking eveyone who took off those days had cruddy jobs

. Heck, the ones with cruddy jobs take off the whole

The family across from me is Cuban, the folks next door are Brazilian. The people on the other side two doors down are Philippino. A door to door salesman saw my shaved dome and
assumed I would commiserate and said "Sure are a lot of Mexicans around here".
I explained, that as a Christian, there are no colors or races; we are all God's creation and to judge a brother by the outward manifestation of his genetic information is the truest, deepest and ugliest form of ignorance. God himself recognizes a man not by what is presented outwardly, but what he carries in his heart and what he does with it.
He did not make the sale. Judging books...