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Old 12-28-2006, 08:39 PM   #1
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Funny diesel commercial, and a bigger point?


A clever "competion" between some Dutch and German football fans, that ends up getting ca...(sorry, no spoiler).

Not only are football fans the same the world over, but funny that in Holland you can pull a caravan with a Ford Focus, but in the States, they would try and sell you an Excursion. Granted, the Benelux are F-L-A-T.....

EDIT: New Link, due to YouTubes goddamn lawyers

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Old 01-05-2007, 07:21 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Spule 4

A clever "competion" between some Dutch and German football fans, that ends up getting ca...(sorry, no spoiler).

Not only are football fans the same the world over, but funny that in Holland you can pull a caravan with a Ford Focus, but in the States, they would try and sell you an Excursion. Granted, the Benelux are F-L-A-T.....
Ha ha, good little clip. I remember watching a similar one with a Mistubishi Evolution, it pulled the trailer to over 100 mph (140+ I believe) then the trailer disintegrated and the motor blew a headgasket.

I also find it funny how little pulling power people assume their vehicles to have. We used to tow a regular fishing boat with our car. Then one day we found a port-a-john sitting on the highway, so we took it for a trip through the city, and deposited it back at it's original site on the way home It was very convenient.

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Old 01-05-2007, 08:41 PM   #3
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Ahh, the venerable port-a-john. I've sent so many of those to toilet hell during my childhood and adolescence, thanks to homemade explosives...

If you calculate the amount of horsepower a car requires at speed with given drag coefficient, frontal area, rolling resistance coefficient, and weight, you can find that adding a trailer is not that large of a strain on your car, at least on flat ground. On gradients, it gets a little more interesting.
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Old 01-06-2007, 09:49 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by The Toecutter
Ahh, the venerable port-a-john. I've sent so many of those to toilet hell during my childhood and adolescence, thanks to homemade explosives...

If you calculate the amount of horsepower a car requires at speed with given drag coefficient, frontal area, rolling resistance coefficient, and weight, you can find that adding a trailer is not that large of a strain on your car, at least on flat ground. On gradients, it gets a little more interesting.
haha, i remember during my child hood also doing such things. We were out playing with fireworks one day as well, when we decided to try shooting one down a public john. I lit the fuse, leaned over the toilet to get a good view and dropped it just in time so that it shot down the toilet hole leaving a very cool stream of black behind it. Moments later, I hear a muffled explosion, accompanied by a "tink" and then gurgle gurlge. Yup, blew the toilet right open! Afraid this might be some strange coinicident, we tried it a few more times with the same results. When we were out of toilets we decided the floor drain was next. Well, i didn't realize these have a sharp turn not too far down them. The rocket shot down a few inches, then it proceded to spray us all with a mysterios, extremely stinky, black goo. Everyone turned to me with a good old "WTF did you do?!" look, when all of a sudden it exploded, letting loose a bunch more of this horendous liquid.

Later that year, we shot off a class "A" firework in the middle of town. WOW, that gentle little house shaker was a great way to wake up the entire little town. Pop. 1-2000 (don't want to give away my location haha)

Then we lit a barn on fire with some fireworks. The police confiscated most of our stash (would have been a felony, but luckily he let us say it was all of ours) Being after the 4th of july, there was no where to get fireworks anymore. Thats' what prompted me to start making my own, MUCH powerfuller home made incedinary devices as well. "hey you guys, check out the 2L bottle full of pure oxygen!"
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