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Old 03-19-2012, 08:39 PM   #11
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Re: Which fluid to use..?

So what did you end up doing with your Pontiac? Have you ever heard of using the trans pump not to flush the transmission but simply to push all of the old fluid out ? It 's not a "flush" at all and you can do it to drain the pan first as well . You remove the top trans line from the radiator and find a threaded hose barb to go in that hole . A plastic one from Lowes or the like is the best so if they're slightly different you won't hurt the radiator . Attach a clear hose to this and clamp it on . ON the other end duct tape a good sized socket to the end and insert this into a large mouthed jug like windshield washer fluid type or you can have a friend hold it in as well . Yes, believe it or not , now you start the car and watch the trans pump suck the stuff into the jug . Shut the engine off as soon as it starts to bubble. You continue to do this until you see nice clean fluid in the hose . Then top it off as necessary . Youi've changed all of the fluid without an expensive and damaging flush . Of course drop the pan after the first 2 or 3 qts come out .
I know a Vibe is a Toyota but I'm fairly certain you can use Dex VI in it and GM has recommended using this in all of their older trannies now but check into it first of course . Walmart now carries a Dex 6 for about $4.50/qt.

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Old 05-02-2012, 01:58 PM   #12
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Re: Which fluid to use..?

I haven't done it yet. Turns out its not time yet. I have another 20,000 or so before its time for one. Sorry, i haven't updated. last few months have been Bad

"But Doc, we dont' have enough road to get it up to 88 miles per hour"
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