Well, my son was at his grandma's all weekend and the wife worked, so I was "bored". I decided to clean up the Civic a bit. The one main thing that was bothering me was the rust. So I decided to attack that. Know this is not the "best" way and that it will eventually come back, but until I buy a welder and the patch panels, this will do.
Here is what I started out with (not the best pictures, but did not take any close "before" pictures). Note the rust in the 2 common locations, where the bumper and quarter meet and down at the bottom of the quarter panel by the door. The side pictured below was the better of the two sides, passenger side already had rust through while the driver side was pretty solid still:
Now these next pictures are on the opposite side of the ones above and the rust was a lot worse on this side (passenger side). This is what it looked like after some work with the dremel... Making holes in the car is kinda scary.
Let's start filling the holes... This is actually the second round. Had to wait for the first to set (as it sagged into the holes) and then sand smooth and fill the gaps that were still left. Again this is still the passenger side.
Then we use some spray paint and does not look half bad... I still need to sand it smooth again and clearcoat and then smooth/feather that, but overall for a beater car repair of $30 it did not turn out half bad.