The one you are about to swap out for a 5 speed manual. I'm in the middle of this project right now on a volvo 240. The Japanese 4 speed auto in this car wasn't blessed with a locking torque converter so it guzzles gas like nobody's business. Sure I've done a lot of other little things to improve fuel economy. Electric cooling fan conversion, synthetic fluids, fresh gaskets, hoses, filters, plugs, wires... the list goes on and on. But in the end I had to stop ignoring the obvious and just do it. Right now the job is half done. The clutch and brake pedal are in and the slushbox is ready to come out.
The 5 speed is waiting to go in.
The pedals were the hard part of the swap. You have to remove the driver's seat and work on your back to reach the 10 or so bolt attaching the pedal box to the firewall.
And Just so the Civic crowd doesn't feel left out, I rebuilt a 2001 civic 5 speed when 2nd gear decided to bite the dust. You haven't lived life until you tried to put one of the puppies back together
While the volvo was out of commission, I replaced all the leaking gaskets, crumbling hoses, failed injector seals and cleaned out the carbon and oily grime build up inside the TB and intake. Messy work but somebody has to do it.
Topped it all off with a catch can (oil air separator) for crankcase ventilation.
The 5 speed should be going in this weekend. The old 4 speed auto is on its last legs. Theres a horrible knocking noise from the torque converter but it still runs like a champ. Got to love 18 year old volvos.