Here's the ghetto way I did it once (and it worked) for an engine out of the car.
Go to home depot and buy a plane-jane 2x4 and some manilla rope thin enough to weave through the holes on the crank pulley (this works for the Civic pulleys with the holes, not the Acura pulleys with the big hex hole in the center).
Take the manilla rope (the stuff I got was 50 lb test) and begin weaving it through the holes on the pulley...I had to go around twice (double rope going through the holes). Finally, put the 2x4, skinny side of the board touching the pulley, on top of the pulley, with nearly all the length of the board hanging off one end. Wrap the rope like hell around the end of the board hanging on the pulley. You now have something to hold the pulley still with (about an 8 foot lever arm). Have someone hold that, someone hold the engine stand, and someone work a breaker bar with about 3 feet of pipe on it. I guarantee it will bust.
I'll try to dig up pictures of my setup when we did this.
Since that time, I have purchased one of these:
It has become incredibly invaluable. I can't remember what site I ordered it from, but I got it for $120 and it will handle both Civic style and Acura style crank pulleys. Just do a google search for SIR Tools HO70 and look for the best price.