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Old 08-17-2011, 06:02 AM   #31
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Re: moist air causing cough in Cvic VX when engine cold

I didn't think your mechanic would be solder-friendly...soldering or otherwise repairing a part is not something professionals normally do. It is not cost-effective, and it leaves them likely to see the customer again for the same problem (which they then may have to fix for free and the customer feels like they didn't do a good job).

A repair like that is usually done by a backyard DIYer or a specialist.

If you were closer to Worcester I'd say to meet me somewhere and I'd help. It sounds like a particularly easy job, not difficult to access the part and some very easy soldering.

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Old 08-17-2011, 06:26 AM   #32
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Re: moist air causing cough in Cvic VX when engine cold

Originally Posted by theholycow View Post
I didn't think your mechanic would be solder-friendly...soldering or otherwise repairing a part is not something professionals normally do. It is not cost-effective, and it leaves them likely to see the customer again for the same problem (which they then may have to fix for free and the customer feels like they didn't do a good job).

A repair like that is usually done by a backyard DIYer or a specialist.

If you were closer to Worcester I'd say to meet me somewhere and I'd help. It sounds like a particularly easy job, not difficult to access the part and some very easy soldering.
Hey, I am close to Worcester (I'm in Amherst). So if tomorrow's diagnostics lean toward main relay, maybe I will drive out there! I see that we have similar interests. (Procrastination ).

I also forgot to mention. In addition to doing the lag thing when bump starting on low fuel, and stalling (not wanting to drive) immediately after starting when cold, it would also turns over a lot before starting (before the problems I've been having) when the tank is real low.

three stripes the charm!

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Old 08-17-2011, 06:57 AM   #33
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Re: moist air causing cough in Cvic VX when engine cold

Turning over a lot before firing usually means fuel supply, specifically fuel pressure failing while parked. I don't know about Hondas but on GMs that means the check valve in the fuel pump has failed, allowing pressure to bleed back into the tank, or (less likely) the fuel pressure regulator has failed.

Does the VX prime its fuel pump when the key is turned to "On"? If so, turn it to "On", listen for the the fuel pump to run and then stop running, turn it off, turn it to On and listen again, repeat maybe once more (in a GM you can hear the note of the fuel pump distinctly change once the pressure is sufficient), THEN turn it to "Start" to crank it. If it fires immediately then losing fuel pressure while turned off is the problem.

If we do meet up to solder that main relay, I'll have to remember to bring my fuel pressure tester...if we can find where on the VX to hook it up.

I am very busy this week though, my car is scheduled to go into the shop next week and my truck is not roadworthy (busted brake line ), so it'd have to wait until Monday assuming everything goes well for me.

Edit: I forgot, I won't be at work Monday (I work near Worcester but I commute from RI), so Tuesday is probably the soonest.
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Old 08-17-2011, 07:48 AM   #34
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Re: moist air causing cough in Cvic VX when engine cold

The symptoms you forgot to mention also point to fuel starvation. I think using a fuel pressure gauge will tell that story as well.
The reason for the low fuel pressure could be the "tired" fuel pump. That's a fact. And I can see why a mechanic would only want to point to that if the fuel pressure is low. The other culprit they'll come up with is the fuel pressure regulator. That could be shot too. (FPR for short)

If the problem lies with internal resistance in the main relay, a new fuel pump would likely not solve the problem. Although, it could improve the condition if the old pump was getting low volt/amps and was tired from years of use/abuse.

So, if the mechanic finds the fuel pressure to be low, he'll run a diagnostic on the FPR first. If he finds that to be working as it should, he'll be asking you to buy a new fuel pump. If that's the case, give it a day, go see HC in Worcester to have your main relay resolidered so you can at least cross it off your list of things that could be causing the problem that are simple/cheap. Simple and cheap parts first!
The vx does prime for 2 secs when you turn on the key. I agree with your test, I do that when the tank is really low to make it start faster. The civics all take longer to start when the tank is really low... at least the two in my driveway do. 5th gen and 6th gen.
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Old 08-17-2011, 04:02 PM   #35
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Re: moist air causing cough in Cvic VX when engine cold

^I also make sure to let the pump finish 'priming' before the first start of a day.

Interested to see what the fuel pressure readings are while running.
'92 Civic VX, Canadian model
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Old 08-17-2011, 07:17 PM   #36
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Re: moist air causing cough in Cvic VX when engine cold

Originally Posted by theholycow View Post
Turning over a lot before firing usually means fuel supply, specifically fuel pressure failing while parked. I don't know about Hondas but on GMs that means the check valve in the fuel pump has failed, allowing pressure to bleed back into the tank, or (less likely) the fuel pressure regulator has failed.

Does the VX prime its fuel pump when the key is turned to "On"? If so, turn it to "On", listen for the the fuel pump to run and then stop running, turn it off, turn it to On and listen again, repeat maybe once more (in a GM you can hear the note of the fuel pump distinctly change once the pressure is sufficient), THEN turn it to "Start" to crank it. If it fires immediately then losing fuel pressure while turned off is the problem.

If we do meet up to solder that main relay, I'll have to remember to bring my fuel pressure tester...if we can find where on the VX to hook it up.

I am very busy this week though, my car is scheduled to go into the shop next week and my truck is not roadworthy (busted brake line ), so it'd have to wait until Monday assuming everything goes well for me.

Edit: I forgot, I won't be at work Monday (I work near Worcester but I commute from RI), so Tuesday is probably the soonest.
lol i know exactly what u mean about GM fuel pumps changing note, i always do the turn the key to run for about 3-4 sec fuel pump shuts off, one sec pause then start. same with blazer.

chevette noo reason to haha pump gas twice pull choke fires up push choke in 1/2 way haha drive about 1/4 mile then choke all in.
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Old 08-18-2011, 03:38 AM   #37
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Re: moist air causing cough in Cvic VX when engine cold

Originally Posted by VetteOwner View Post
chevette noo reason to haha pump gas twice pull choke fires up push choke in 1/2 way haha drive about 1/4 mile then choke all in.
Mechanical fuel won't run unless the engine is spinning. Long cranking time if the car has sat for a long time and there's no fuel in the carb bowl, lines, etc and it has to pull fuel all the way from the tank and partially fill the bowl before the car will start.

Electric pumps and pressurized systems work beautifully unless they bleed off their pressure.
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Old 08-20-2011, 08:55 AM   #38
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Re: moist air causing cough in Cvic VX when engine cold

$400 for new distributor. $400 for new fuel pump. all fixed.
three stripes the charm!

Car mods are overrated. Just gotta adjust that nut behind the wheel for best mpg.

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Old 08-20-2011, 09:39 AM   #39
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Re: moist air causing cough in Cvic VX when engine cold

Well...I must say this car was one that is worth it if it yields good MPG for several more years to come. Just my .02...
'92 Civic VX, Canadian model
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Old 08-20-2011, 09:55 AM   #40
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Re: moist air causing cough in Cvic VX when engine cold

Originally Posted by 1993CivicVX View Post
$400 for new distributor. $400 for new fuel pump. all fixed.

Did you get to keep your old distributor?

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