I certainly don't advocate doing anything illegal but I know that some people would travel out of state and purchase one from a neighboring state and install it themselves. Having previously lived in California I know what damage lawmakers do. Remember they don't use older vehicles - they buy new ones at taxpayer expense every year or few years. (Who do you think pays their salaries to pay for their Hummers & such?)
California wants to clean up the air, but they ignore the fact that a "polluting" CRX puts out less POUNDS of waste each year than a properly tuned Hummer. The laws are out of touch with reality. The big new gas-guzzling SUVs do more damage to the environment than smaller older cars.
Personally I want to take a vehicle that came with no cat on it (say a 1973 Honda Accord) and turn it into, piece by piece, a CRXish vehicle, but do it in a way that it puts out no more pollutants without the cat.
The lawmakers also ignore the fact that the additives they mandate (at lobbyists' behest) pollute more than purer gasoline. Lobbyist is a legal word for someone who makes bribes constantly.
Looking to trade for an early 1988 Honda CRX HF (Pillar mounted seat belts)