'89 CRX HF + D15Z1 troubleshooting...
I recently test drove my project and a few issues arose. She idles fine but when revving in neutral she hesitates/stumbles below 3k and also has severe rev hang (takes several seconds to return to idle speed, stumbles on the way down too). On the road it's similar with heavy hesitation/intermittent power delivery below 3k and sometimes beyond. It feels like she bucks to get up to speed and that translates into the shifter. I understand this engine is gutless below VTEC/lean burn but VTEC engages approx. at 2200 RPM in these cars, and the hesitation lasts beyond that. Below are specs (engine is stock unless otherwise noted):
- P07 ECU (stock for this engine)
- Rywire OBD-0-1 conversion harness w/ resistor box delete and OBD-1 injectors (stock Z1)
- stock exhaust, no muffler
- used stock 5-wire O2, how do I check voltage w/ a DMM?
- drained fuel tank, fresh 87 octane
- new fuel filter
- new NGK plug wires
- correct spark plugs
- cap, rotor, button look fine
- Cooling fan doesn't work since I deleted A/C but she doesn't overheat w/ the stock HF radiator, toggle switch for hot days
- DIY engine grounding kit
- DIY polyurethane motor/tranny mounts, slightly stiffer than stock
- Timing adjusted to spec
- Correct PCV valve installed
If there's anything else I'll update, Thanks, Mak
'85 CRX Si Original EW3 @ 254k...suck it Detroit
'89 CRX HF-Z1 ~ When haste is needed
'97 Civic DX Hatch ~ Formerly 600hp, now 0hp, soon 115hp.