Hi, Molecule. Tried to PM you, but couldn't see the option. I'm a new member, here, but noticed in some of your old posts that you had a trusted (and affordable) tranny-rebuild guy. My VX trans has input-shaft bearing noise, and probably has end-play/slop (still in the car, but my original VX trans was pulled at 167K with >1/2" of slop and incredibly still shifting all gears!). I am not qualified to rebuild the trans by replacing bearings, so I'd love to buy an affordable rebuilt CX/VX/HX trans (I included HX as I have 14" HX rims on the VX Civic). Live in the SF Bay Area, CA Thanks!
Originally Posted by molecule
any play in the input shaft is wrong...and i'm sure your input shaft bearing is bad...they should be very tight...no play...
this requires the tranny taken apart
also you wont see any metal bits in the oil because all honda tranny's have a magnet...