It is possible for wheels to seem to fit but they don't really fit. It's still visually right there for you, but you have to know what you're looking for.
When you try them on, look for:
- Bolt pattern, obviously.
- Hub diameter; make sure it's the same and that they aren't loose on the hub before bolting them on (if the old ones weren't; hub-centric vs. bolt-centric).
- Make sure they go on all the way; you don't want them to bind on something and be sticking out, riding on the wrong part of the lugs and letting your drum brake rattle around behind the wheel. (This happened to me. Bought new wheels at a shop, drove home, wondered what that rattling was...)
- Make sure the lug nuts (or lug bolts, if equipped) have the same type and angle of shoulder, the surface where they mate to the hole in the wheel.
- Make sure the offset is the same, or be aware of the difference and decide if you accept it.
There may be more but that's what I can remember.
This sig may return, some day.