Using Mopar CCC on a VX? - Fuelly Forums

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Old 06-24-2010, 03:48 PM   #1
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Using Mopar CCC on a VX?

Hey, guys. I was wondering about Mopar CCC(Combustion Chamber Cleaner) from Dodge/Chrysler dealerships(they use in their "tune ups"), to use in my '92 VX.

My LAF is already on the fritz; repeated CEL for it, but I haven't really checked to see if it was just a wiring issue/ECU problem or not, but at 240k its probably in need of replacement.

Other than that, how would you see it affecting the catalytic converter? I can always replace a spark plug, but I'm learning about this car now and it seems to be a "more sensitive than most" exhaust system when it comes to cat and 02 sensor.

I realize it will cause a code because of the weird fumes after re-starting the car, but would it leave lasting problems? My goal is to clean out any carbon build up on top of the cylinder heads if possible through these means.

I choose using this over the "SeaFoam through the break line/air intake methods". The Mopar CCC is a spray foam that expands once inside the engine, best to let it go in through the PCV valve, once entire can has been absorbed through the vacuum there you cut off the engine and let it sit for a hour or 2. Of course, best if the car is at full temp and its mid-summer day like today. The idea is to clean everything that is possible to clean, without an engine tear down, along the top of the cylinder heads.

'92 Civic VX, Canadian model
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Old 06-24-2010, 05:18 PM   #2
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If you're going to do anything funny with the engine, you should hookup a testpipe to the exhaust so that you don't pollute the catalytic converter or O2 sensors.

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Old 06-24-2010, 05:50 PM   #3
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Both Seafoam and Mopar CCC contain naphtha (used as a paint thinner or as camp stove fuel) and isopropyl alcohol.

The Mopar CCC also contains xylene and benzene (strong solvents) and mineral spirits.

Seafoam contains only pale oil (similar to mineral spirits), naphtha, and isopropyl alcohol.

Notice that most (maybe all of them) of the ingredients are highly FLAMMABLE!

Not worth the risk f***ing something up in the engine, I'd say. But it's your ride.........

So, as George Constanza once said "Flame on!" (just joking).
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Old 06-24-2010, 07:42 PM   #4
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Well, I did this 2 times to my Stratus last year. The first time, I didn't do it exactly right. Not getting the entire can in and having this take place at night. The 2nd time, it was during the day and I let it stay in longer, more like nearly 2 hours. Afterward, I cranked it up and while in park held the RPMs at around 2,000-2,500, perhaps for a minute or 2. Then, my friend and I proceeded to idle to the red-light out of the complex. As soon as the light turned green WOT and a plume of smoke.

The more I think about it, I believe American cars have more room above the cylinder heads compared to Japanese. This would obviously allow more space for carbon and what not to start building. I'd imagine this type of product in the long run wouldn't really help my VX as much as it helped my Stratus. No problems with the Stratus either. It will throw a CEL, but clear the code and it won't come back. Didn't foul any plugs, either.

Good idea in regards to the test pipe as well. The stuff must be 'safe enough' because the manufacturer uses Mopar CCC to tune up their cars, even ones under warranty. I know they don't use SeaFoam over their own product as far as Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep is concerned.

I strictly use half a can of SeaFoam in my gas tank once at every oil change(not a strong mixture though, maybe mostly full tank) and the other half in my crankcase within 100-150(max) miles of changing my oil. I'm only using it in the crankcase now b/c its always had conventional put into it, at least for a good stretch, before I owned the car. I'm hoping to drop the oil pan and see what gunk was taken to the bottom. That way, once I go to a full synthetic it won't start breaking down the sludge at the bottom of the pan and risk cycling it through the engine, after cleaning it off. Technically, you're supposed to do this every time you SeaFoam the crankcase.

I'm just going to buy the rubber replacement gasket for the oil pan, drop it after my next change and clean it out.
'92 Civic VX, Canadian model
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Old 06-29-2010, 07:24 PM   #5
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i remember working at a Jeep/eagle dealer in '97 when the techs used the ccc and pour a bottle of "cleaner" in the tank. then they would joke around and try to see who made the most smoke. tried it on my vx but did not notice much difference.
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