The expanding gas tank....
Well the other day was the clincher 14.3 gallons into a 94 Honda Civic cx gas tank. The surprising thing is the total miles driven per tank goes up accordingly as the gallons per fillup go up, so the mpg's all work out also. See gas log for the specifics. I can only guess there are areas in the tank that when you fill the tank on level ground they never fill with gas and are just air pockets. Since I use a ramp 2 (2 x 4's) high and am filling at a station with a very large slope, that these air pokets are now filling with fuel.
So 11.9 gallon tank taking 14.3 max so far and other times 12+ and 13 gallons this is no out of calibration pump. I have gotten 500 miles out of a tank so far with mpg's to match/in the same ballpark. So whis 14.3 gallon fillup I'm looking for well into the 500's by the next fill up.