Hmm, for fuel mileage, it almost seems as if slightly higher FD with a much higher 4th and 5th gear would be the best way to go.
I don't mean to brag, but my FD is 3.08 and my 4th gear is .67, for a final motor revolution/wheel revolution of 2.0636. Highway speeds are in the 1000-1200 rpm range. I've noticed certain things that make for this possible, more torque down low. I've heard that engines are most efficient at their torque peaks, even though they waste the most energy here, so I was thinking what if we modified are smaller fuel efficeint cars to have more torque? right now I"m sure their torque peak is well above our crusing speed. I would imagine the torque band could be lowered for those of us running our engines at speeds lower than stock.
Even with my cars monstrous frontal area, drag C/D of .48, and 4.9 liter engine, I still managed 26 mpg at 60 mph, on e-85! this got me thinking maybe this platform isn't so horrible after all? after all, a 5.0 liter at 1000 rpms, is pumping the same amount of air as a 1.6 cylinder at 3125 rpm's, this would explain why my two cars are getting fairly close mpg. The motorcycle engine would have to be at 12,500 rpm's for the same air pumping, which would explain why even at 5000 rpm's with old carbeurators, it's still my MPG champion.
Well, now that i've shared some useless information, i'm more confused than ever as to what is ideal for gas mileage.