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Old 12-31-2014, 09:11 AM   #41
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Oil heat is still common in much of the North East US. Once worked with a guy that lived farther north of me, and he still used coal. Lucky for us a natural gas line runs right down our street. So, goodbye oil.

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Old 12-31-2014, 10:05 AM   #42
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Had NG heat in the house I grew up in. Loved it!

Mostly we use waste heat from heat pumps/AC units for heating here. I'm not a big fan of it.

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Old 01-01-2015, 09:39 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by BDC View Post
It was sarcasm. draigflaig has been mis-representing data, mis-citing sources, and at times just plain making stuff up for years, and mostly just to bash Americans. It got old a long time ago.
At least he changed his avatar since I was here last.

His car has the fugliest front fascia I've ever seen. For decades I thought the Citroen 2CV would never find a match for fugly. Then I saw draigflaig's avatar. I actually looked for a setting to turn off avatars in my User Control Panel so I wouldn't retch every time I tried to read the forums here (he sticks his beak in EVERY thread), but didn't find one.

But then I'm an American, and am used to big, ugly, 8,000lb pick-up trucks that can pull a house off its foundation, and only burn a $3,45 gallon of Diesel every 12 miles doing it. Not some little toy that looks like it was designed by kindergartners, that probably takes 30 seconds to reach 45MPH on flat terrain..


EDIT: I just saw this, and am adding it.
Originally Posted by Draigflag View Post
I dislike American cars, but thats a right and an opinion of which im entitled to.
I wrote the above in fun, but you know what? I really dislike that pile you have. It's UGLY.
And that's an opinion I'm entitled to. I feel the truth is that you dislike Americans more than their cars. This tenet comes through in post after post of yours.

Jay, please leave this up, unless he removes his comment too. Thanks.
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Old 01-02-2015, 02:38 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by DPTyphoon View Post
At least he changed his avatar since I was here last.

His car has the fugliest front fascia I've ever seen. For decades I thought the Citroen 2CV would never find a match for fugly. Then I saw draigflaig's avatar. I actually looked for a setting to turn off avatars in my User Control Panel so I wouldn't retch every time I tried to read the forums here (he sticks his beak in EVERY thread), but didn't find one.

But then I'm an American, and am used to big, ugly, 8,000lb pick-up trucks that can pull a house off its foundation, and only burn a $3,45 gallon of Diesel every 12 miles doing it. Not some little toy that looks like it was designed by kindergartners, that probably takes 30 seconds to reach 45MPH on flat terrain..


EDIT: I just saw this, and am adding it.

I wrote the above in fun, but you know what? I really dislike that pile you have. It's UGLY.
And that's an opinion I'm entitled to. I feel the truth is that you dislike Americans more than their cars. This tenet comes through in post after post of yours.

Jay, please leave this up, unless he removes his comment too. Thanks.
Does this make you some sort of hypocrite then? Accusing me of causing offense, then writing how ugly my car is, like a toy designed by children? That one sentence is bursting with irony given what's sitting on your driveway Honestly, I'm not as immature as you, say what you like about my car, but i'm not going to say anything about yours.

You are entitled to your opinion, of course, and if you think my car's ugly, that's your problem not mine. Renault are the third biggest car manufacture in Europe, so it's obvious they're doing something right. I wouldn't expect you to recognize good design anyway, all the Stylish design houses that have designed the prettiest cars exist in Europe, America has yet to make a pretty car yet. As far as "sticking my beak in" unfortunately this is an international forum, I have a right to be here too, and the whole point of a forum is to discuss things and compare in detail. If you're offended by that, then you have a choice not to be here.

I don't dislike Americans either, I have friends in the US and I have visited there 5 times. There is lots I like about the US, there is lots I dislike, the same as any other country in the World, including my own. In fairness to me, it's very easy to pick fun on America with all it's social/racial/homophobic/firearm/drug issues, but I refrain from doing so because, as you seem to have forgot, this is a fuelly forum, about cars, fuel consumption, oil, energy etc, and I have no interest in causing offense like some members are intent on. Happy New Year anyway


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