Rough Lean Burn Transition have New Distributor
I have a '95 VX with ~190,000 miles on it. The was distributor recently failed and was replaced with an aftermarket one as opposed to a factory Honda to save money. So here is the summary of the issue:
- Replaced entire distributor
- Work was done by local mechanic
- Engine timing was redone by mechanic
- Now the transition to lean burn is about 4 times rougher than it was before the new distributor (at times almost jerky)
- Otherwise the engine is smooth and seems to have reasonable power
- The five wire O2 sensor is less than a year old and other wise the engine does not have any issues
- The CEL is not on
Could the timing be off? What else could cause the lean burn transition to be rough? The issue show us going in and out of lean burn.
Any feedback would be much appreciated!