Alright, I did another test run around half 55 mph, half at 70 mph and a dash of urban miles for flavor.
I reset the trip and average MPG meters first, and got a much more reasonable number as a result. I noticed that it takes a few hours for the info unit to lose it's settings when completely disconnected from power. I opened up the control unit and confirmed it has a CR-123 size battery soldered to one of the boards. I powered it up with a bench supply for a good hour this morning. If it was recording that time as 100% duty cycle on the injectors, that would explain the first test run's FE results.
Anyway, the test run results:
29.7 miles, averaging 31.2 MPG according to the unit.
I want to just apply +50% to that, but I figure I should actually go through the math to make sure that's a proper shortcut. Someone let me know if I screw up.

29.7 miles / 31.2 MPG reading = 0.952 imaginary gallons burned.
0.952 gallons / 6 imaginary injectors = 0.159 gallons actually metered.
0.159 * 4 actual injectors = 0.636 gallons actually burned.
29.7 miles / 0.636 gallons = 46.7 actual MPG.
And the alternative method...
31.2 measured MPG * 1.5 = 46.8 actual MPG.
Looks like rounding got the better of 0.1 MPG.
That's actually a new record for me, but I haven't done a full tank of highway driving since installing grille blocks. My previous record was about 42 MPG.