**This may be a repost but I still have a request about it**
Most of us on here don't drive the type of cars that are "desirable" (I said
most) to common car thieves or simple joyriders but theft of a vehicle is something I cannot tolerate. As my '89 CRX HF-Z1 project of the last 2 years is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I can only imagine the outright fury of rage I would experience if one day I walk out from school/work/the Wendy's bathroom to find my multicolored and VTEC-E swapped baby princess gone w/ nothing but a small puddle of coolant left (I need to fix that soon) to remind me I should have done more to stop the inevitable; Idiots will steal cars that are worth the time and effort to steal. If it takes 30 sec. to pop the lock, jam the ignition and go then even a rusty Yugo is worth a shot. In comes my request; Some of us have seen the link below detailing a DIY Immobilizer but I have yet to see a detailed step by step tutorial w/ pics and material list (I need part #'s people!) Anyway, my skills (and this site in particular) have helped me install a '92-95 VX engine in my '89 CRX in which I performed 90% of the wiring myself but I cannot for the life of me read a schematic

. I'm a visual learner, but a step 1,2,3,4....86 kind of guy. Will/has someone done this mod and can you please post it up in the DIY section w/ instructions written for beginners who can splice, solder, crimp and follow directions? My FrankenRex and I will thank you

, Mak
DIY Immobilizer from ClubCivic.com
'85 CRX Si Original EW3 @ 254k...suck it Detroit
'89 CRX HF-Z1 ~ When haste is needed
'97 Civic DX Hatch ~ Formerly 600hp, now 0hp, soon 115hp.