Originally Posted by omgwtfbyobbq
I'm not sure if the dealy in the car was a fuse or fusable link, looks kinda like a little red box with two copper prongs for wiring, so it might be a fusable link. I'll get a few from a VW stealership since I've been told they're handy. I can run a ground off of one of the screws in the assembly that used to hold it to the starter, and just for posterity, here's the old relay... There are a few people who relocated it because they don't like the idea of 50A running through the passenger compartment.
Is it just me or do the contacts not look good?
Thanks for all the help! 
The difference between fusable links (they look like normal wires ,,usually right off the battery terminal) and fuses is that a fuse will blow fast at the specvified rating , but a link will allow short term high current surges (which happens with glow plugs) but will still blow at the rated amps if held there for some time.
You might have something like this....it is a type of fuseable link....in a box.

It might be found in your fuse box ,,or if you have a separate relay box under the hood it could be there too.
You cant see the relays switch contacts from that view., they are on the other side.
That relay looks like it has a controller timer built into it.- normal relays dont have those other electronic parts.
50 amps is a lot , but you have nearly that much current anyway passing inside the car anyway when you hit the starter button.
Look on the back of the ignition switch ,, you got some beefy wires on there.