You're probably right, gammy. Warpage on those thin panels would be an issue, wouldn't it? Well, there's stuff other than panelwork that needs welding, too, and I can tack it without much warpage, then. At least there's 220 running to where I'm working, just not run from the box. When it gets warmer my uncle will help me set that up.
It seems like nobody thinks I'll be able to do this. I know far from everything, and I've never done a whole car before. I actually don't care if it looks as perfect as from the factory when I get done, I just care that it won't rust immediately again. I want to KEEP this car.
This is more of a project thread, as I work I'll post my progress. I know some say the rust isn't that bad, I guess it's not in comparison to other civics you see, but it's bad enough that something needs to be done about it now.