Originally Posted by bfg9000d
normally if the code came up there is a problem with the vehicle. Clearing the codes will hide the problem and the code will probably come back up. This has been my experience atleast with stuff like that.
BFG, Tom and FFV, you guys are the greatest. Thanks for the info and the good advice. Naturally, I have no idea where this hose, charcoal canistor and the solenoid are, but at least I will be able to take this to the mechanic armed with some info and can 'ACT' like I know what Im talking about so there is less chance of me being 'girly ripped-off'. Im hoping that its a hose but its prob the purge sensor itself. Just hoping that its not an expensive sensor especially if its a dealer-only piece. (Pep Boys does not carry and says its dealer part)
Your explanations are better than what I was able to find out online. Much more layman. Even better, you guys provided SOLUTIONS to the problem that was not written in mechanic jargon and easy to understand. I'll try and locate the hose and inspect for any leaks, soft spots or loose connections, but I suspect that I'll be taking this to the mechanic/dealer for a purge sensor replacement. Thanks again !!!!
This site is great. I'll keep you guys posted. Luckily this is no 97 4Runner and not on 98Camry which looks appears to be giving me a 37mpg tank right now (EPA=30hwy, 28hwy old EPA)