Well for years (about 15)i was strictly using Castrol Oil and changing it every 3000 miles.
I began to read up on it for my motorcycle, a 2004 CBR600RR, and learned quite a bit.
First i learned there are as many opinions on oil as there are *** holes in this world so its hard to just search y'old net. A lot of info based on nothing but what they have heard. I will say that a motorcycle uses a wet clutch which generates quite a bit of heat, and redlines high, mine is 15K. So, for references i looked for data from motorcycle racers that ride hard and open engines on a regular basis.
Well what i came up with was using 5w-40 Shell Rotella-T Synthetic oil, i get it from Wal-Mart for around $18 a gallon. I change every 5k now which is probably still to early but its hard to get away from that 3k Ive been doing for years. My truck has 202k my civic has 215k and my Chevy Venture has 124K. Synthetic is so thin and seems to coat things better. I don't get that start up tick any more. I'm sold on it.
Do a search for the Rotella-T Synthetic and you'll find a bunch of stuff.
So this is just my opinion and it works for me. I really wish there was new oil data and tests out to view. It seems most tests are old or bias.
Gas?? Oh you mean the expensive smelly stuff Grandpa used to power his car with? Silly old Man.
Get off my @ss I'm saving gas!!
