O2 Sensor for a 93 Civic VX - Will L2H2 work?
So I have been checking Ebay every few days for a few months now and have not seen a l1h1 sensor for sale. The l1h1 costs like $300+ from a dealer and it would take some serious mileage to justify the extra 10 mpg I would gain from getting a new sensor.
Recently I have setup a little led on my dash that monitors the O2 sensor and I haven't seen it go into lean burn at all yet. From what I have read with a bad O2 sensor the VX gets low 40's for MPG and thats exactly what I am getting so I am sure my sensor is bad. I just bought this car a few months back so I have no idea when it was replaced last but it was probably a long time ago.
That being said I have seen the L2H2 sensor available on ebay and could probably pick one up for $75-$100. From what I have read on here some people say it won't work as well as the l1h1 in my car but my question is will it work at all and if so how much different will it run then with an l1h1? Knowing that my sensor does not work at all right now anything would be an improvement.
Should I buy an l2h2 and install it?
Thanks for your advice/insight!