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Old 09-19-2006, 11:20 PM   #1
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Question MPFI Swap parts list

Found a guy semi-locally that has a 1988 Honda Civic engine Is 16 valve 1500 pgm-fi. I have yet to contact him for additional information but was hoping to source some parts for an MPFI swap in my 88 CRX DX Automatic. Wanted to hopefully bother all of you guys for some good info before I bothered this guy.

Would these parts from the 88 Civic work for my 88 CRX? I am not positive but think that they are the same engine.

I have found this list online and have figured that I need the following parts. Parts highlighted in red are the ones that I thought he might have and that I could ask him about.

* Intake manifold and gasket with all the sensors
* Intake manifold brace
* ECU: 88-91 Si or 88-89 teg
* Injector Resistor Box 88-91 Si or 88-89 teg
* 88-91 Si distributor
* Extra wire or a wiring harness from a Si
* Some assorted connectors can be custom made or sourced from the Si wiring harness
* Throttle body and gasket
* Injector o-rings and seals
* There is a hose that is different between the DX and Si on the distributor side of the intake manifold. It has a 180 degree bend [Looks like a U] and it goes from the intake to the head and will be needed.
* The stock DX airbox will not fit properly. Either get a Si box, an aftermarket cone style intake or plan on some ghetto fabrication

Is there anything missing from this list that I should get for the swap? Also, is there anything not highlighted in red that I should ask him about?

Thank you in advance for any help.

- UfoTofU

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Old 09-19-2006, 11:53 PM   #2
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Just so you know, it's possible that guy has a DPFI engine as well. If you check your DPFI intake manifold, it will also say "PGM-FI" on it.

Assuming he has an SI, all that you'll really need are:
[*]distributor[*]intake manifold with fuel rail (includes injectors, etc.) It would be weird if the intake manifold didn't include the throttle body.[*]injector resistor box[*]a few plugs (distributor, injector resistor box, etc.)[*]pm6 (Civic SI) ecu

The wiring you can do yourself in 30 minutes. I kid you not. Wiring MPFI is so simple it's not even funny.

I have no idea what the 180 degree bend is they are talking about. You will need a new intake hose however. You won't need an entire airbox, though.

If you get the majority of these things I can help with the small stuff at the junkyard.

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Old 09-20-2006, 08:27 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Matt Timion
Just so you know, it's possible that guy has a DPFI engine as well. If you check your DPFI intake manifold, it will also say "PGM-FI" on it.

Assuming he has an SI, all that you'll really need are:
[*]distributor[*]intake manifold with fuel rail (includes injectors, etc.) It would be weird if the intake manifold didn't include the throttle body.[*]injector resistor box[*]a few plugs (distributor, injector resistor box, etc.)[*]pm6 (Civic SI) ecu

The wiring you can do yourself in 30 minutes. I kid you not. Wiring MPFI is so simple it's not even funny.

I have no idea what the 180 degree bend is they are talking about. You will need a new intake hose however. You won't need an entire airbox, though.

If you get the majority of these things I can help with the small stuff at the junkyard.

Thanks a lot Matt. I e-mailed the guy asking if maybe he could send me a picture. Then again he does have this engine just laying around and is willing to part it out so maybe he knows some about it and would be able to tell me if it is DPFI or MPFI.

I figure him sending me a quick picture would be easier though.

Thank you very much for your offer to help, it's appreciated.
- UfoTofU

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Old 09-21-2006, 04:24 PM   #4
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Got a response from a guy that has an HF manifold as well as all the parts that I would need. Here is the mail that he sent to me :

"Heres some pics I noticed you are looking for the parts for a mpfi swap. I have everything you need.Hf and SI intake manifold,Motor wiring harness, extra injectors, injector resistor box, and the parts for the manual transmission swap also. Well the hf manifold that you are interested in is missing the fuel rail and injectors in the pic but I have them here in hand. Let me know what you need or want."

And the pictures :

Will all this work on my 88 CRX DX? Also what would be a good price to get all the MPFI swap parts for? I am not up on how much all this stuff costs.
- UfoTofU

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