I was correcting some miss-information in a different Forum on the internet and thought I'd throw it out here as well for the furtherance of human knowledgement.
The dyno graph from Honda on the VX:

PS = Metric Horseower (very close to international HP) = 92 HP (international)
Green shading = kgm = Torque (kilogram meters); 13.9 (kg m) = 100.538893 ft. pounds
Blue shading = g/PS-h = Fuel Consumption = grams of fuel consumed per hour per horsepower at a given engine speed. Weight of one US gallon of fuel ~6.5Lbs. = 2,948 grams.
Anyone care to make a little conversion to Gallons per hour from the information provided as a reference to future information seekers? I don't have the time to put into that right now and though it would be good to share.
Hope this info helps out for the archives.