Hot Georgia -
Originally Posted by Hot Georgia
Are they out of adjustment or just sticking?
Have anybody heard of the gas-ATF mixture trick?
I did that every so often on some antique cars I had and made them run so smooth and quiet again.
But those cars didn't have a CAT and not sure what effect burnt ATF would have on it ?
gas-ATF ?????? You made me google and I found this. It mentions gas-kerosene too :
254 stuck valve
... first of all find which cylinder is missing, by shorting out each plug in turn. It is usually an exhaust valve which is stuck, so when you find which cylinder, remove that plug and the valve is right underneath. Tap it down and see what happens, It may be that you need to mix up a can full of 50/50 gasoline and kerosene. Remove the air cleaner, start the motro, rev it up and pour the mix down the carburettor throat, heavy enough so that the engine almost stalls. There will be great clouds of smoke, but the mix will get sprayed on to the valve stems, which should be enough to loosen the offending valve if it is still stuck ...
EDIT : Why not disconnect the CAT for the cleaning?