Alright, so I'm under the car this evening fixing a small oil leak at the Oil Pressure Sending Unit/Pressure Switch(just above the oil filter, next to the breather chamber where the PCV valve seats); on this Civic VX it's just a dummy light not an actual oil pressure gauge...
So, while I'm under the car I notice what 'appears' to be crusty white, milk-like substance coming from above the breather chamber, like a slow drip hardening over time.
I'll be posting a picture later of this area, it 'appears' to be intake manifold side next to the block right next to the breather chamber, closer to the passenger side/area where the larger coolant hoses tie together.
I did check my overflow reservoir, and it is in fact losing coolant. Down most of the way now(below the MIN), after having it at the MAX line this spring around April 1st. So, in 5 months, it has consumed 'nearly' the amount of coolant that was in the reservoir.
I have had Used Oil Analysis performed, and initially it read high for Sodium, but that was traced back to the use of Valvoline MaxLife, since it has 300 ppm or more of Sodium in it's formulation(anti-foaming additive package).
So, the subsequent UOA showed only 18 ppm of Sodium(first showed 66 ppm of Sodium, 1 oil change removed from Valvoline MaxLife)...the other contaminants would be Potassium(K) and Silicon(Si). Neither have been excessive, with K being relative just in the 'noise' range. Where as Si was 'worth observing', as the goal was to make sure the use of K&N drop-in replacement wasn't allowing in too much dust/fine particles of dirt/sand, etc.
So, wear particles in the UOA testing has looked normal compared to other Civics this gen, and so I don't think it has a blown head-gasket or anything like that I hope(as you may have read in my other posts/threads, clutch is needing replacement so power is lacking at times in 1st/2nd) my concern is the loss of coolant and I 'think' oil 'may' be mixing with it possibly, unless it's just silicates(?) depositing on the external engine from heat. If it is oil mixing with the coolant, it hasn't shown up as of yet. I will be getting a UOA again within the month.