I did a T test at
The result was no significant difference between OEM and K&N at the 95% confidence interval. But then again- the sample sizes are tiny.
Results below:
Paired t test results
P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value equals 0.0577
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be not quite statistically significant.
Confidence interval:
The mean of KN minus OEM equals -0.5500
95% confidence interval of this difference: From -1.1853 to 0.0853
Intermediate values used in calculations:
t = 11.0000
df = 1
standard error of difference = 0.050
Learn more:
GraphPad's web site includes portions of the manual for GraphPad Prism that can help you learn statistics. First, review the meaning of P values and confidence intervals. Next check whether you chose an appropriate test. Then learn how to interpret results from an unpaired or paired t test. These links include GraphPad's popular analysis checklists.
Review your data:
Group KN OEM
Mean 70.6750 71.1750
SD 0.2784 0.0354
SEM 0.1392 0.0250
N 4 2