Originally Posted by Danronian
I was trying to make sure it wasn't the two-stage model. Thanks for the input. 
Ah, I must have missed that memo... I thought we wanted to confirm that it's a VTEC-E motor rather than performance
or two-stage VTEC.
The VTEC-E valve cover can be swapped around with other VTEC and '96+ non-VTEC valve covers, the close-coupled cat is found on a number of engines and as I said, with one exception, all VTEC and VTEC-E motors only have one solenoid, so you can't really point to any one of those particular features as a dead giveaway.
The small intake ports, visible presence of 8 intake valves and an EGR valve all point to a VTEC-E motor. The proof, as has been said, would be to pop the valve cover and take a look at the rockers and cam lobes.
Something I just noticed that worries me: the rust deposits visible in the right-most intake port. The walls of that port are aluminum, so there shouldn't be any rust on them. Water would have to have gotten into the engine and sat on the back of that intake valve, making the valve rust and leaving rusty-water deposits on the port walls.
While the rust itself may not be a huge issue, you have to ask how the water got there - was the engine left out in the weather? If so, did water get into any other ports, and if so, did it drain down into one of the cylinders and rust the cylinder bore?