Originally Posted by skewbe
 I hate to be the one to tell you this Carlos... the energy required to extract the hydrogen is greater than the energy recovered. Neither the extractor or the engine are %100 efficient.
I know, skewbe. The idea is that it serves as a catalyst to enhance the flame spread in the combustion chamber. The idea is *not* to look at the amount of energy in the hydrogen.
Here are articles where it is being used :
Hydrogen Injection Proven in Real-World Usage
Fossil-Fuel Stopgap May Virtually Eliminate Auto Emissions
Canadian Hydrogen Energy Company Ltd
Hydrogen Injection PDF ...
Canadian Hydrogen Energy Company Product Brochure
Now here are other reasons why it may not work for me :
1 - I don't drive a diesel. The system has been proven to work best in high compression diesel engines.
2 - I may or may not implement all of the changes. It depends on my mechanic and such.
For me, this is an experiment where I *expect* derision. However, I have done my homework, and I want to see it for myself. I have already accepted the possibility of defeat. But, at least I will have tried.