Ive been planning on changing the manual transmission oil in my Nissan Sentra, however was not sure what fluid to put back into it so I held off. The other day I went and picked up some BG Syncro shift 2, this is a full synthetic. I have never previously changed this on my car which I've owned for two years now but the oil that came out wasn't as bad as I imagined it being. It did smell like burned *******.
Someone mentioned taking the fill plug out first, this is very true. I pulled my drain off first, then when I tried to get the fill plug off it was much harder. even though It is a number 10 allen key the thing almost stripped away when using a cheater bar. Overall this was a lot easier than I expected. To fill it back up I simply used a funnel and some vinyl tubing that fit snuggly into the fill hole, simply fill until it over flows with the car level.
Shifting is now improved, before the shifts where a little harder while the car was cold, now its like butter all day long.
Now the shifter bushings need changing to make it feel like new