History of my 92 VX troubles (and help request) - Fuelly Forums

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Old 11-02-2006, 09:59 AM   #1
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History of my 92 VX troubles (and help request)

History of my 92 VX troubles.

First off the guy that I got the car from totaled it (front passenger side) bought it back from the insurance company and Tried to put it back together. He did an OK job but due to PA DOT being dicks he failed when he sent in his application for a Salvage Title. It sat in his mother?s yard for about 1 ? years before I bought it.

It had about 174,000 miles on it.

When I got it ran terrible due to the old gas in it. I topped the tank off with super.

Once that tank was gone I replaced the front strut that was fubar. Seafoamed it, Changed the oil and filter, air filter, Battery, Distributor cap and rotor, brakes, Alternator (that lit on fire), plugs and wires. I ran Chevron Tecron twice and ran the Honda fuel service spray in the intake twice. I took the idle control valve off and cleaned it. I also checked the timing.

I did get a CEL 48 and 17. When doing the trouble shooting as per Haynes Manual they came out as ?intermittent? and don?t worry about it. I replaced the o2 sensor with a genuine Honda part and since have not seen any CEL?s nor have I seen any improvement.

Here is my problem as you can see by my gas log I get crappy mileage even with conservative driving. I drive this similar to my CRX that it replaced and I was getting almost 50 MPG on that. It idles terrible at best it jumps from 1000 rpm to 1600 and back about every 3 to 5 seconds. The other problem I have is that at certain points in the throttle I actually bog down and loose some power when pushing in the gas peddle (normally just a bit it is not like I am flooring it) I have to really push in the gas to ?get past? that or let the gas out totally and try again. Similarly if I bump start in 3rd gear at say 35 mph on a slight upgrade and hit the gas it will bog down sometime bog down a lot.

On my list of soon to do?s are:

Hook up the DMM to monitor lean burn to see if that is working.
Pull out Idle Control Valve and clean it again.

If anyone has any other suggestions please let me know. I have become totally frustrated with this car. I bought it with full expectation of improving on my 50 mpg from my CRX by 10 mpg not loosing 10.

Thanks in advance for the help,

See my car here:


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