Originally Posted by maximilian
Stuck out from the side of the car. I guess they were trying to emulate hand signals.
Many cars in Europe in the 1940's and 1950's were equipped with them, including the early VW beetles. They were mounted inside the "B" pillar at window height, were about a foot long, and when activated, would flip up to a horizontal orientation, often with an flashing orange light on the end. We used to refer to them as "idiot sticks". The technical term for them is "trafficators". They were phased out of use in the early 60's as they were a hazard to nearby pedestrians when deployed.
One of the stock practical jokes often played on "newcomers" from the states was to point out to them the funny looking slot on the side of the car, then when they were taking a close look at it, hit the direction signal lever, and "whap" right in the face.