Here's what I'm working with at full engine "warm-up" (stumbled on this yesterday from the SG in the 'Teg):
Coolant Temps: 216-224F
IATs: 130-145F
Ambient: ~100F
A relatively new 'stat is installed and rated for 190F, no grille block, and a new radiator in the last 20K miles. Coolant is roughly a 50/50 mix, dark green with no foul odor, and a full reservoir (no loss of fluid beyond normal evap).
Of course the coolant temp is dependent on RPM -- if I'm in town, that translates to 1500-2500. It hasn't gone past 224F -- so that may be positive.
Concerns: how hot is too hot? A warmer engine is theoretically more efficient, but beyond 125F IAT, FE drops. It's been rough finding a good source of ambient air. In addition, I've been really listening to the engine and there's no evidence of ping/detonation. Should I hook up the data logger to track timing vs. coolant temp?
More concerns: heat destroys oil sooner and is harder on the auto-trans. Should those fluid change intervals be shortened...
The temp isn't speed dependent either -- at 60 mph, the temp isn't effected much at all. I popped the hood latch, tried a variety of speeds, and no change.
I'm just stumped on the IAT solution, and curious about the overall effect...