Ever since blocking my grilles, my outside temperature display can't show the temperature accurately, because the sensor is between the radiator and the grille block. It gives me ambient temperature after sitting overnight, and otherwise it reads warmer as the air around it is somewhat stagnant.
So while I was thinking about relocating it, I realized...
I could relocate it to the intake! If I put it in the airbox or the snorkel, it will give me ambient temperature after sitting overnight just like it does now, and it will always give me IAT (conceivably not
exactly the same as the IAT that the engine is reading, but close enough). The only problem I can think of is if it doesn't support temperatures as high as a potential WAI that I might make.
You can see the sensor near the side in this close-up of the VW's lower grille:
In the GMC, you can see it just below the 'C':