I made a post awhile ago about my VSS needing replacement. The mechanic said the cluster needed to replaced. Someone else on here said just replace the VSS sensor. Well,
another mechanic said that if it comes on and off then it's prolly not the VSS sensor but an electrical problem (which is proly why the first mechanic said to replace the whole cluster)
The reason I am bringing this up again is because my headlights low beams went kaput. My high beams still work and my ambers still work but not the low beams. I'm thinking it's also an electrical issue and not bulbs. If it is not bulbs... what kind of problem do I have on my hands and how the heebles am I going to fix it? I'm running out of money

starving student.
stripes the charm!
Car mods are overrated. Just gotta adjust that nut behind the wheel for best mpg.
Forget about World Peace...Visualize using your turn signal.