Since adding the scanguage to my car, I've noticed it ALWAYS reports CLOSED LOOP, perhaps this is the default setting because my car doesn't report this info, I'm not sure... but what I've noticed is say the ambient temp is 80*F, my coolant temp per the ScanGauge will show 60*F. If it's 65*F outside, coolant temp will show 45*F.
Does this sound like the coolant temp sensor (ECTS) is failing or is inaccurate? I've replaced the sensor twice before and the electrical connector has also been replaced. This is a common problem w/ Saturn's.
I'm wondering this also because I installed a new thermostat a month or so ago, and since then, the scangauge only shows roughly 170*F after warmup on a hot day, the dash needle isn't halfway, it's basically reading the same thing. I was going to replace the thermostat, but I'm wondering if the ECTS is at fault. Coolant has been flushed about 12k ago, and is clean and free of gunk.
I also never hear the fan turn on, but will cycle if A/C is used.
So it's like 4 problem all related to one another.