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Old 08-12-2011, 11:25 PM   #1
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Denso spark plug wires for VX

Well, seeing as how it was so hard to find correct replacement wires initially for the VX in my experience, I have been on the lookout for Wire Sets since then. I've kept my eye on the HE76 NGK offering, have noticed a pop-up from Standard Motor Products, but recently saw Denso for the first time and the VX specifically has it's own wire set aside from the other 1.5L Civic's from the 92-95 range. It's only $34-$35 with free shipping on Amazon right now for a new set. Ironically, with AAP having codes online I get a better deal with Amazon as AAP has everything marked up prior to using their codes lately anyway(another story).

Much better than a mechanic grilling your for $80 to get Sumitomo, raises hand.
'92 Civic VX, Canadian model
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Old 08-13-2011, 01:32 PM   #2
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Re: Denso spark plug wires for VX

yes, but if you buy some other parts(there's always something needed), you could cut the price in half(or more) with 'big35' or 'dealio.'

besides, the NKGs are a pretty blue
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Old 08-13-2011, 10:43 PM   #3
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Re: Denso spark plug wires for VX

LOL, funny. I suppose you're right(price and pretty color ). I sorta want to replace my fuel pump for kicks. I just wish I knew how to check the fuel system pressure to see if it's pumping out to spec? I guess it wouldn't hurt to pull it and check the sock/strainer. The problem? AAP doesn't carry the Bosch(cheapest priced) at any stores locally. Forcing me to pay shipping, making the RockAuto offering better. Still not sold on buying the Bosch over the Denso fuel pump, but it's gotten good reviews on AAP so far.

EDIT: It was the Denso plug wires not available locally through AAP, but I can get the Denso pump. Priced just under $100, so with codes purchasing online and with perhaps plug wires(NGK) I may get the better overall deal. I'm going to compare on Amazon and RA, both have been competitive lately and cheaper than AAP(almost discounted already where as AAP online has it marked up higher initially).

PS: Woah, just checked RA, all the plug wire sets are crazy cheap for the VX right now. BeckArnley is on closeout for less than $20 prior to shipping on the complete set of 4, NGK HE76 is just under $45 btw...of course other offerings from SMP and Bosch as well, also on close out. Strange.
'92 Civic VX, Canadian model
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Old 08-14-2011, 04:52 AM   #4
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Re: Denso spark plug wires for VX

I don't know about Hondas, but GM vehicles have a port on the fuel rail that a pressure gauge can be hooked to for testing fuel pump pressure. I'm sure Honda has something similar.

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Old 08-14-2011, 07:49 AM   #5
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Re: Denso spark plug wires for VX

Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue View Post
I don't know about Hondas, but GM vehicles have a port on the fuel rail that a pressure gauge can be hooked to for testing fuel pump pressure. I'm sure Honda has something similar.
So, if I can locate this port and run down to, say, Harbor Freight(or where ever I can get a fuel gauge...should be simple, enough.

Thought this guy's video was cool(I like his youtube vids):
'92 Civic VX, Canadian model
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Old 08-14-2011, 08:23 AM   #6
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Re: Denso spark plug wires for VX

Works great for me on my GM.

You could probably get a loaner from a parts store.
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Old 08-14-2011, 08:39 AM   #7
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Re: Denso spark plug wires for VX

^That's a great idea if I can get it on loan from a parts store. I'll check with my dad, he may have one from years past.

I thought this video was a nice walk through of identifying an ignition issue on my car, reminded me of the other 93 civic dude's thread(of course use the test light with it grounded not through yourself!):

My question is, would you still have spark(while attempting start-up) all the way to the plug wire if your fuel pump or relay were causing a no start condition? My thoughts initially are yes, just no fuel to run the vehicle. Right?
'92 Civic VX, Canadian model
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Old 08-14-2011, 08:45 AM   #8
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Re: Denso spark plug wires for VX

Right. Fuel system failure doesn't affect ignition system. If you have no fuel AND no spark you've got two problems to fix.
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Old 08-14-2011, 09:28 AM   #9
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Re: Denso spark plug wires for VX

Awesome, thanks for setting me straight there.

The VX is getting an 'intermittent' stumble(?) when at a very low operating temp idle.

It's more like a 'slight' hiccup than a cough anyway. This is the only time the idle isn't nice & smooth otherwise, generally speaking. Of course, A/C during the day will also cause the engine/idle seem more lugged (especially related to clutch engagement on the A/C compressor it seems), until the computer adjusts idle speed with A/C running.

This also goes hand in hand, it seems, with more clutch chatter(intermittent), as was covered in my thread regarding clutch replacement options. There someone mentioned that chatter could be a suspected ISB on top of an 'on its way out' clutch, making for a noisy idle until I depress the clutch pedal. This generally will smooth the idle out in of itself. The ECU seems to adjust/compensate the idle RPM when the pedal is depressed on the clutch, by 200-300 IIRC? If I let out it tries to idle down, clutch chatter happens, and this is when the 'slight' hiccup happens.

What got me thinking fuel pressure issue is the following experience that happened recently:

On a HOT day about 1-2 months ago, it seemed like oil pressure was trying to build after a restart(3 hours later) following a brief moving of the car in the morning. That morning I had just re-parked it in order to service a vehicle where the VX was initially parked, had it running for less than 30 seconds, and then shut off. Left it to work on another vehicle. So, the VX sat 2-3 hours afterward.

Later, trying to do the re-start in the early afternoon, the RPMs 'staggered' on their way up to what appeared to be 'high' idle. It settled down after an engine rev, but it almost seemed like the computer didn't know if it could decide between high idle or full temp idle? If that makes any sense. The ambient temp was near 100(index higher I'm sure), at the time I was just hoping the car wasn't having oil pressure issues. Then I got to thinking perhaps a fuel system component could be an issue, so I thought about the fuel pump and subsequently the main relay since. Fuel filter has been replaced, no problems there. That's why I want to check the fuel system for pressure, also would like to check the Fuel Pressure Regulator.

The battery is in a 'marginal' state and I wonder if the alternator could be running at max output, especially at night with the headlights causing the interior accessory lights to dim/brighten, like on the drive home last night of about 15 miles. The entire time the lights for the instrument gauges would change from dim to bright and not stay one way or the other for long.

I'm wondering if it's possible that with my clutch starting to go(not extreme yet by any means, mainly in hot wear symptoms, shifts great in colder weather) would allow for this while at idle in neutral? The stumble/hiccup that is.

Plugs are new, distributor cap/rotor replaced 18 months ago along with Sumitomo wires. I get good performance overall, but I have noticed perhaps a higher 'whine' during WOT with V-TEC engaged, than I remember originally with the car. I'm thinking my alternator may be at max output all of the time?

So, that's the conditions currently. The weird idle problem from 1-2 months ago scared me. I'm going to check fuel pressure(I ran a bottle of Red Line SI-1 injector cleaner around that time), and report back. I may remove and inspect the main fuel relay for kicks too and post up pics.
'92 Civic VX, Canadian model
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Old 08-14-2011, 10:17 AM   #10
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Re: Denso spark plug wires for VX

A failed ISB could certainly affect idle (and stop affecting it when you step on the clutch pedal).

A manual I was reading to try to find your fuel pressure test fitting (I couldn't find it, sorry) said that the main relay is fine if the car starts at all.
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