just called one of the most known glass repair centers around here (they keep bombarding me with adds on the radio waring people to have little chips repaired as they would result in cracks which could be more costly to repair....not much use to me now)
anyway, their prise is 321€ all inclusive, with original pieces and a lifetime warantee on the work and the pieces... should take 2 to 3 hours to install and for an additional 21€ they'll come over and do it at home. don't think they'll allow me to supply my own window though
the price includes a 10% reduction on the glass, but it's still a lof of cash

on the other hand i don't think i'll find the same service much cheaper elsewhere. i'll see if a ford dealer could sort if out any cheaper but i doubt it.
i asked my dad about the possibility of a diy job, but he said the main problem would be to get the glass out of one car and into the other without cracking the glass.... he said sometimes brand new replacement window crack during install.