Bringing this thread back to the top, for results and update.
Remember, I have been running a weak v6 camero fan with a radiator probe switch for a few months, all wired up all hacked looking with zip ties.

Now putting in a fan out of Lincoln Mark VIII, known for being a junkyard jewel, because for $20 or so you get a fan that out performs most aftermarket fans. (It takes a lot of amps to run it, so you need 10 gauge wire, a big relay, and diode.)
Bought a radiator cooling fan switch/thermostat at Napa "for a 87 Buick Grand National" I wired it up this morning, and finally put in the Mark VIII fan too. I researched online for how to wire it up for low speed, and apparently, I don't think it is a two speed fan! Unlike some of the Taurus fans! I took it for a test drive, and it works. It "deep cycles" it seems. It runs for 30-60 seconds or so. The radiator gets cold, and I think it just takes time for the cool water to flow through the whole engine, to the thermostat housing, where I have my temperature sensor. Then it finally shuts off. Its not a bad thing, it won't be cycling as often as my old setup. So I went back home and I have hot wires.

I originally thought I could get buy with thinner wires and smaller relay, but as I said earlier, it doesn't have a low speed. So now I am just going to do it right this time, and finalize the wiring for this baby, the right way. a 75 amp relay cost a whoppin' $65

(I wasn't going to pay that!), so instead I went to the junk yard hoping to find a high capacity relay. Most relay's AMP ratings aren't marked. But I found a 70 AMP relay in Large Ford cars. Also found an AWESOME relay box! Look for late model Mercury Grand Marque's. Surprisingly, they don't seem to come in the Ford Crown Victoria's, though. It is located at the top of the passenger fender. It is very small for a relay box, It holds one high capacity 4 pin relay, and one regular 4 pin relay. I discovered that a Ford 2 pin diode fits perfectly into the regular relay slot! This relay box demensions are about 4" by 2" and 4" tall. It mounts very easily too!

Pictures coming soon.
So to summerise, 80 Bucks gets you the whole fan system that looks stock. 25 for the fan, 35 for the thermostat switch, 10 for the relay mini-box w/ relay and diode, and about $10 in wiring supplies.