Originally Posted by garyhgaryh
Hey I purchased one from ebay. I used the "buy it now" option and bought it for $50 + 10 shipping. So $60 for the P07-A001! Not bad.
BTW, my neighbor, a sixty year old man, bought a VX when I told him about the mileage I'm getting. He drives a GMC truck, now he mostly drives the VX. His wife hates the VX. Anyways, I spoke with him today and told him I'm converting my VX from CA to 49-state version. I ask if I can look at his VX. He has a Fed VX!! His O2 sensor is 5 wire. When he bought it the prev owner had some problems passing CA (bay area) smog, but he passed. He got a best of 60mpg, but his avg is in the 40's and 50's mpg.
Anyways, now I have a reference VX (neighbors).
Hah! That was the other one of the two that I had mentioned to knowing about.

I wanted to link you to it, but when I went to it it had ended. I guess you were the lucky buyer! There's a $79 5 wire somewhere on the internet, I think on ebay. I'll see if I can't dig it up.
If I can keep my car out of the shop and not do testing on it, I will have an absolute minimum of 45mpg, with regular fill ups in the high 50s, low 60s.
That's great about your neighbor. Love to hear it. We are well on our way to starting a revolution here on gassavers.org
stripes the charm!
Car mods are overrated. Just gotta adjust that nut behind the wheel for best mpg.
Forget about World Peace...Visualize using your turn signal.