Originally Posted by LarryJ
sorry i didn't see your reply buried in amungst all the other replys about Geo metros and FM transmitters. I just figured one the newer flexable antennas would last longer (and look nicer) than the metal ones that have a tendancy to bend.
I guess I live close enough to the city and do not take too many road trips in it that I have a problem. I usually leave it all the way in and then there is no chance it will bend. Seems they bend most often when people forget to put them in going through the carwash.
I do agree with deschlong and theholycow though about different antenna style. I just wish I could find more reviews on "in-dash" antennas or the antenna you are supposed to be able to mount behind your review mirror. But I cannot find any concrete evidence that they will work better. If you research it and find some information on it I would be interested to see what you find.
I bought my car with a bent antenna and just bought an new OEM Honda one on Ebay for ~$20-25. Installed it and can now push it all the way back in.