I've got a problem I found on my VX guys. Check out the picture below I'm linking rom the Majestic Honda site:
Notice the charcoal canister and the line leading from the bottom of the canister(labeled 12), I'd imagine part of it is to get the potentially hazardous fumes out of the engine bay so nothing is vented into the cabin.
I ran into this problem when I was detailing the engine bay two days ago; cleaning various rubber hoses and plastics 'gently', and as I was inspecting all of the surrounding area for any cracks or obvious signs of wear I basically just touched the line running from the location #s 12/19 there and I had 2 joints made of plastic crack to pieces while I was inspecting the line(they were brittle to the touch and were cracked already, its supposed to be a hard plastic)...
Notice in the picture the line proceeding to apparently 'end' after part '18'. There are two joints on both sides of where the 18 is labeling that piece, the one leading away from the canister has the 2nd joint that is also cracked to pieces.
The other, closer to the canister, has a smaller 'off'(part of a three way joint) leading to pipe 47, which is then re-routed back to snug itself alongside the charcoal canister and faces towards the hood, just open(perhaps could be plugged though?)...
The last joint after the label 18? This last joint is just under the bottom of the engine bay where the last section of pipe here is leading under the car into what appears to be nothing more than that. I haven't jacked the car up, but it seems like the pipe would just end and allow excessive fumes to leave in an area that wouldn't put passengers at risk, venting everything under the car instead of the engine bay.
I've jury rigged/tapped up the breaking joints but basically am not connected to the last pipe that makes sure the fumes leave the engine bay. How dangerous is this to be driving(while needing AC especially and havent had the windows down...yesl)???
I think the Honda site I linked has a replacement part right there called the "Canister Drain Joint Pipe", but before I pick it up/replace this I was curious as to the dangers and if I'm on the right track of why its needing to leave the engine bay/usage of the canister?