Hello again!
Now, I bought my Vx last month and everything has been great up until now. I did however come across one tiny little problem-
CODE 48!. Nothing serious right? Right! So anyway, I'm debating which one of the two O2 sensors I should go with. I have a 1992 CA. Vx which came with a 5 wire sensor, but from what I've read, it doesn't even have to correct ecu to require it. Down the road I do plan on converting it with a Fed Ecu, but right now times are tough. Am I going to be ok with the four wire? Please don't tell me I have to splice any wires or anything! I had planned on buying this one
http://shop.oreillyauto.com/ProductD...pe=291&PTSet=A but am open to any other suggestions. I definitely don't want get the wrong one. Thank's in advance ladies and gents.