Bump starting causing starting issues
Bump starting causes my car to have some rather serious problems.
First few times I do it it's nearly seamless. But then it starts having problems. Hard to explain, it doesn't want to start-- kinda lags... then it threatens to stall. have to drop to a lower gear and try to bump start again after it starts momentarily and then stalls. Second time usually has it bump started successfully. But after more bump starts, it would just stall. I'd start it again and then it would stall again. At one point, key starting it, I was afraid the car wasn't going to start at all after it kept stalling. Eventually it did with some turning over. I think someone at some point was having a similar problem without bump starting. Will see if I can dig up the thread. In the meantime, anyone have any ideas? Bad alternator? Ugh.
three stripes the charm!
Car mods are overrated. Just gotta adjust that nut behind the wheel for best mpg.
Forget about World Peace...Visualize using your turn signal.